You are here News & Events Blogs Esri Australia blog Esri Australia blog AllEsri techData-driven decisionsDigital transformationDisruptive innovationGIS in Education Disruptive innovation Before You Dig update unlocks enhanced user experience Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) recently introduced a new service for members and users, speeding up enquiry lodgement through the BYDA API. Using the BYDA API, you can automate the process of submitting jobs to the referral service, improving productivity and accuracy. Learn more
Disruptive innovation Before You Dig update unlocks enhanced user experience Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) recently introduced a new service for members and users, speeding up enquiry lodgement through the BYDA API. Using the BYDA API, you can automate the process of submitting jobs to the referral service, improving productivity and accuracy. Learn more