As of 12 October 2023, ArcGIS Online subscriptions in credit overage will be required to purchase additional credits to maintain a positive balance.
The resources below clarify how a negative credit balance will impact your subscription and what you can do to avoid disruption to your work.
New account status
Find out what the new account status means for your subscription and how it will impact your work.
- Restricted
ArcGIS Online subscriptions with zero or negative credit balance will be placed on restricted status. Users will be able to:
Open and view existing content in the organisation
Open and publicly share content owned by others
Use licenced software
Add data to existing datasets
Share and modify existing content
Use all member and content management capabilities
Modify and save organisation settings and policies.
Invite members, assign licenses, etc.
The following capabilities will be restricted:
Creating new content
Publishing new layers of any type
Accessing all credit costing tools such as geocoding, spatial analysis, notebooks, premium content, geoenrichment
- Suspended
30 days from notification of being placed on restricted status, subscriptions that remain in overage will become suspended. Users will still be able to:
Sign-in, and use licenced software (e.g., Creators and other user types, ArcGIS Pro, and other licenses assigned through ArcGIS Online).
Content stored in the ArcGIS Online organisation will continue to be stored and can be made accessible to the customer after they have resolved their credit overage.
The following capabilities will no longer be available:
Users cannot access organisational content stored in ArcGIS Online.
Public items like maps and apps will no longer be available to the public.
Users cannot use credit costing tools.
- Queued for deletion
Subscriptions that remain in overage 30 days after being suspended will be queued for deletion.
To avoid this step, please purchase additional credits.
Manage ArcGIS Online credits
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What are credits?
Please review the available documentation to understand credits and see a list of what credits are used for.
- Why was my subscription allowed to go into overage?
Subscription Administrators can prevent overages for analytics compute-based activities by enabling Credit Budgeting in their Subscription Settings. If budgeting is not enabled, the system allowed users to consume more credits than available in their account to avoid processing disruption. Credit overages were then remedied after the fact by purchasing additional credits — an option that will no longer be available as of 21 August 2023.
For content storage, credits are charged hourly based on the amount of data in storage. If your organisation has uploaded more content than your original credit balance will cover, you may be in an overage situation. Because costs will continue to incur to store this data in an overage situation, your credit charges will continue to accrue until the content is deleted. If you have further questions about Credit Budgeting, please reach out to our Technical Support team.
- How can Administrators keep track of credits?
Credit balances can always be viewed on My Esri under the My Organizations, Licensing tab. Additionally, starting 21 August 2023, ArcGIS Online Subscription Administrators and primary subscription contacts, will be notified of their credit usage.
ArcGIS Online Subscription Administrators have access to a robust Status Dashboard upon logging in. The dashboard provides information on daily credit usage, as well as the ability to drill down to see how credits are being used, and which items and users are consuming the most credits. Please read this blog for an overview of the ArcGIS Online Status Dashboard.
- Why aren’t additional ArcGIS Online credits included in my annual renewal quote?
Automatic inclusion of a certain number of credits to a user’s annual renewal quote is by request. Additional credits can be purchased as needed through the Esri Australia ArcGIS Online Store.