New crime cases every episode

Award-winning podcast Mapping Evil explores real-world cases of violent predators, using crime maps to lift the lid on the critical role geography plays in criminal intelligence analysis. Across season one of this podcast series, you'll hear how GIS technology provides the key tools needed to assist modern agencies with data driven policing operations. Today, in jurisdictions around the world, these tools are delivering insights in fields as broad as tactical response, criminal analysis, mobile policing and many other areas of public safety.

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Meet our investigators

Mike King profile image
Mike King
Former criminal investigator and chief
Former criminal investigator, global public safety expert and one of the world's leading advocates of GIS technology for law enforcement.
Tory Shepard
Tory Shepherd
Award-winning journalist & true crime enthusiast
Tory Shepherd is an award-winning journalist and true crime enthusiast.

Mapping Evil is hosted by award-winning journalist Tory Shepherd, featuring renowned criminal profiler, data driven policing and criminal intelligence analysis expert - Mike King. Offering listeners a look at real crimes through an experienced investigator’s eye, Mapping Evil takes you on a journey into the minds of predators and the lives of those tasked with bringing them to justice.


This is a BGT Production created in partnership with Esri Australia.

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